references per order
sales reps
1 hour
saved per order

"We can easily and quickly take an order of 300 or 400 different products from the customer."

Marc Pinguet, manager of the French decoration products company, explains why he chose SmartSales to facilitate the daily life of his sales representatives.

What was the setup before SmartSales?

"We were using different order-taking software, originally manufactured 6 or 7 years ago. It worked well but, following a change in their support team, we encountered problems each time it was tampered with. After-sales service was lacking and despite the low cost of our old software, we decided to change tools."

Why did you choose SmartSales?

"As a priority, we needed an order-taking tool that would reduce the amount of time we were spending out at customers. If you spend too much time with a customer in their shop, they start to get impatient because they have other things to be doing. The process has to be fast and, thanks to SmartSales, you can easily and quickly take an order containing 300 or 400 products. All you have to do then is confirm it and send it in. SmartSales has drastically reduced the order process time. This swift processing of orders that SmartSales facilitates is due to its user-friendliness."

What other application features do you use?

"We have about 2,000 products with new ones being released every 6 months. It is very important that these new products are highlighted in a trendy photo catalog. SmartSales allows us to easily access the catalog on the tablet."

"Another interesting tool is customer geolocation which allows you to zoom in on a city, plan journeys and save time. Today, with the local nature of the business, we know our customers, meaning that we use this module less."

"Reporting is a useful module in certain cases, it gives me a great overview when I need it, but I rarely use it as I have a small team that I trust."

"In conclusion, SmartSales looks more like an ERP than ordinary order software the way it allows you to do so many things. I don't have 50 salespeople, so my expectations are not the same as other companies and sectors. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the application offers so many features that we are not yet making use of, all our sales representatives are gradually discovering the new features of the application and they train each other. We haven't reached our full potential in this app yet, but we are getting there!" 

What do you think of Easi's support service and the hotline?

"There are 10 people working for our company, and we have no IT manager or individual with special skills, but those using the application have had no problems whatsoever adapting to this new tool. When we have a problem, Easi's support service is always there to help us."

It sounds crazy, but I know a lot of competitors who still take their orders in pencil! 

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