Integrated Security Solutions for Networking Challenges

With remote working, multiple office locations, and increasing use of cloud applications, maintaining secure and efficient connectivity is more challenging than ever. Traditional network security solutions struggle to keep up with these demands, leading to security gaps and performance issues. SASE addresses these challenges by integrating network and security services into a single, cloud-native solution.

What is SASE?

SASE stands for Secure Access Service Edge. It combines network security functions (such as secure web gateways, firewalls, and zero-trust network access) with WAN capabilities (like SD-WAN) to support the dynamic, secure access needs of modern enterprises. SASE ensures secure and optimized access for users and devices from any location to any application. 

It is designed to meet the dynamic and evolving needs of digital businesses, providing flexible, scalable, and simplified network management.


Cato Networks pioneered the convergence of networking and security into the cloud, and thus, is regarded as a leader in the SASE space. 

Their cloud-first architecture enables Cato to rapidly deploy new capabilities and maintain optimum security posture, and lets Easi guide you throughout the successful implementation of SASE at your enterprise. 

More on CATO 

Cato Networks

Like many organizations, our client New Wave Group struggled to find a cost-effective solution for global WAN connections with enough bandwidth to support its rapidly growing operations, until they took the plunge with CATO. Today, their network spans more than 50 locations across the globe all interconnected by Cato Cloud.

“We found we could multiply the bandwidth of each site by five or more without increasing cost.” 

David Brouwers - IT Infrastructure Manager - New Wave Group

Read the full story

new wave group cato cloud

Why SASE and What are the Benefits?

Consistent Security

SASE enforces uniform security policies on all network traffic, regardless of source or destination. This approach reduces vulnerabilities and improves the organization's overall security posture by integrating security services like SD WAN, NGFW, SWG, and ZTNA.

Simplified Management

With SASE, management of network and security is centralized, simplifying deployment and administration. This reduces the complexity of maintaining separate security and networking solutions.

Improved Agility

SASE adapts to the needs of a dynamic workforce, supporting seamless access to resources whether employees are in the office, at home, or on the move. It allows quick scaling and adaptation to changing business requirements.

Optimized Performance

SASE uses a global network of Points of Presence (PoPs) to optimize data routing, minimizing latency and enhancing application performance. This ensures a seamless and efficient user experience, particularly for cloud-based applications and remote users.

Cost Efficiency

By consolidating networking and security functions into a single cloud-native service, SASE reduces the need for multiple point solutions. This lowers capital expenditures on hardware and software and decreases operational costs related to maintenance and management.


The cloud-native architecture of SASE allows businesses to dynamically scale their network and security services. Whether adding new users, locations, or applications, SASE can accommodate growth and change without significant additional investment or complexity.

‘"In a short span of time SD-WAN come along and is rewriting all the rules in terms of communication. With the emergence of SASE, the next technology is already in the waiting room, ensuring an optimal security posture and seamless connectivity for modern, distributed workforces."

Mirko Montorro - Sales Manager - Easi

MMON quote

SASE incorporates SD-WAN as a core component, leveraging its capabilities for optimized network routing and global connectivity. While SD-WAN focuses on improving WAN performance and management, SASE extends these benefits by integrating comprehensive security measures. 

This convergence simplifies network architecture and ensures secure, high-performance access across distributed environments.

Discover SD-WAN 

Why Easi?

SASE projects generally stem from three combined needs: 

  1. connectivity (simplicity, better UX, increased performance, cost savings),
  2. security (protecting network data),
  3. and user experience (ease of use, uniformity and stability).

At Easi, we address all needs as our Telecom & Connectivity team excels in configuring optimal networking setups, while our Security team has extensive experience in various security projects and technologies. In addition, we leverage our expertise in both networking and security to deliver a comprehensive SASE solution tailored to your needs. 

SD-Wan team

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