IT company Easi set a new record in September, with a 20% increase in payroll in just one month, resulting in no fewer than 60,000 hours of training. With the recruitment and integration of no fewer than 100 new colleagues, the Belgian company is investing heavily in the future. The company now has 600 employees. « We have healthy growth ambitions, of course. There is still room in the Belgian market for the development of our business and therefore of our company », adds co-CEO Thomas Van Eeckhout.
Another highlight is the fact that the company welcomed the same number of Frenchspeaking employees as Dutch-speaking ones. « The situation has been different for some time”, confirms HR manager Laure De Pauw. “Easi's adventure began in Wallonia, but our customer base in Flanders has grown considerably. It's partly for this reason that we were able to open four offices in this region ». The IT specialist also owes this development to the bold decision to put not one but two CEOs at the helm of the company: Dutch-speaking Thomas Van Eeckhout and French-speaking Jean-François Herremans. « This co-direction makes Easi a unique Belgian company. Our founder Salvatore Curaba chose this model in 2019 to bring together the best of both cultures, and it seems to be working out rather well », concludes the HR manager.
750,000 euro investment
Every new Easi employee will follow an intensive three-month induction program from day one, representing a total investment of 60,000 hours of training and development. « Our existing employees will teach their new colleagues all the tricks of the trade, which obviously takes time. We believe that a complete onboarding process is necessary to integrate them properly into our corporate culture », explains Laure De Pauw. « Taking into account the hours our colleagues will dedicate to integrating these new employees, the investment will amount to € 750,000 », she concludes. In addition to full integration, the IT company naturally continues to invest in the training and development of all its employees throughout their careers. « By continually investing in their professional growth, we create a working environment in which everyone can reach their full potential », explains Thomas Van Eeckhout.
Strong company culture
« Our aim is to remain an innovative and dynamic service company where expertise and added value go hand in hand. The investments we are making today form the basis for a sustainable and successful future », adds Thomas Van Eeckhout. « We can't be the ideal employer for everyone. In any case, we are very attentive to the development of all our colleagues. And it's a point of attention that we apply right from the first exchanges with candidates. This corporate culture is central to us, and makes recruitment an essential process », he adds.
About Easi
Easi is a Belgian IT company that has been providing IT services and software to medium and large enterprises since 1999. Easi's focus on software, IT infrastructure, cloud and security is on short implementation times and high added value for its clients: flexible solutions for companies that want a partner close by. Easi also values the well-being of its 600 employees.