Easi, a pioneer in participative shareholdership in Belgium since 2012, has reached a new milestone by welcoming 16 new employees to its shareholder roster. They are now 142 in total. This initiative perpetuates Easi's commitment to making its employees more than mere radars in the company, as they become true co-owners.
Salvatore Curaba, Easi's founder, has always believed in the importance of including his employees in the company's capital. "This unique model has transformed our corporate culture and has also inspired other companies, even outside our industry. Today, we are delighted to extend this opportunity to a new wave of employees, reinforcing our commitment to a shared vision of success", explains Jean-François Herremans, Easi's co-CEO.
Corporate culture: the foundation of the participative model
Not everyone can become an Easi shareholder. There are, in fact, a few conditions to protect the company and its shareholders. "It makes sense to respect conditions and evaluate potential new shareholders, as it’s about sharing the ownership of our company", explains Thomas Van Eeckhout, co-CEO of Easi. The first condition is a minimum of 2 years' seniority. The second is to reach a certain position within the company. The last, and certainly the most important, is commitment to and respect for Easi's values: excellence, responsibility, commitment, caring and positivity. These values are part of our DNA. We expect our shareholders to embody them in their day-to-day work. This is also why they are formalized and assessed. "It's thanks to this strong culture that we have the confidence to open up the company's capital to our employees", concludes Thomas Van Eeckhout.
Participative shareholdership: a model that requires courage
"At Easi, the power is not concentrated in the hands of one person. Salvatore had the courage to share his company even before he retired. Jean-François and I will follow the same example. We're not CEOs for life, and that's good for the company and its employees. This will enable the renewal of ideas in a particularly competitive sector", says Thomas Van Eeckhout. The two CEOs are also convinced that their successors are already to be found among the company's employees. All career paths are possible at Easi, including becoming CEO or shareholder.
Employees also need the courage to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure. The minimum financial investment required to become an Easi shareholder is € 25 000. "It's not a gift, nor is it an option in the salary package. Becoming a shareholder is a conscious choice, a real commitment on the part of our employees who take the plunge", concludes Jean-François Herremans.
About Easi
Easi is a Belgian IT company that has been providing IT services and software to medium and large enterprises since 1999. Easi's focus on software, IT infrastructure, cloud and security is on short implementation times and high added value for its clients: flexible solutions for companies that want a partner close by. Easi also values the well-being of its 500 employees.