Key benefits of SmartSales

As a manager - Sales management software

Keep in touch with the customers through your representatives. Let them feed you with the most relevant data based on visit reports. Use SmartSales to understand what's going on with your customers and make well-considered decisions based on the dashboard. Gain a competitive advantage by gathering all the useful information that would otherwise be lost. 

As a account manager or sales rep - Mobile CRM

Save time by making your sales administration easier. Don't lose hours in the evening or at the weekend on your post-sales process. In just a few clicks, you create a visit report and a follow-up e-mail that can be sent immediately. You can even make customers sign their orders on the spot. Work more efficiently without necessarily having to work harder.

Our customers say it better

SmartSales Hikoki Kris De Puysseleire testimonial


Kris De Puysseleire - Sales Representative

"I can now show my product catalog digitally to my customer. At the end of the meeting, I can immediately send an e-mail with al the customer's remarks, so I don't have to open my laptop in the evening to write a follow-up e-mail anymore. Same with the orders. I come in, we fill in the order together, the iPad calculates everything... the customer presses ok and signs it right away in the app. He immediately receives an email confirming the order."

SmartSales Hikoki Wim Wandels testimonial


Wim Wandels - Sales Manager

"In the beginning, the app was seen as a means of control by our sales reps. "Oh this is not meant for visit reports but rather as a means of control." But now they are very convinced that it is a tool for their daily work. It is very well received by the sales representatives and by the customers themselves, who are amazed by the efficiency with which they can order something."

Gert Fluyt Smeg

Gavra Ceramics and Surfaces

Gert Fluyt - General Manager Smeg Belgium

"Thanks to the reporting I get from SmartSales, my sales reps are now shown their number of visits, the number of showroom sales, which customers are visited most, etc. That information is all displayed extremely transparently during our sales meetings. Sellers accepted this new way of working in no time since they also see the added value of this for themselves. They even ask for new features to be added for being able to put even more information into the system. They’re really won over by it."

SmartSales Bram Van Peteghem Labophar testimonial


Bram Van Peteghem - Sales & Operations

"As a representative, you really have a lot less administration to do in the evening thanks to SmartSales. The orders also come in more easily. SmartSales changed our entire workflow, in the past, orders came in by mail, fax or phone from all over the country. Now everything is semi-automatic. With just a few clicks, they are immediately sent to our accounting system and our ERP system. This had a really great impact on our internal flow."

SmartSales Boiron testimonial


Bertrand Duquesne - CEO

"The fact that appointments can be made digitally ensures that as soon as a representative is absent, we can immediately take over his agenda and schedule his appointments from one day to the next with another representative. Another great advantage of working with SmartSales." 

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Sales management software for managers

Sales management software dashboard SmartSales
Sales management software calendar
Sales management KPI software

Be the manager they need

Monitor customer relations and key performance indicators by gaining an overview of your team's efforts. Develop your own capacities as a coach of your team. Make the best choices in terms of sales and business management thanks to the reporting tool. See how things stand with sales and company goals in a clear dashboard and identify growth opportunities.

Customizable to your needs

Create your own environment:  Customer lists, product catalogs, pricing lists, product promotions, surveys, visit reports, ... everything can be combined and configurated in a user-friendly web manager. Customizable dashboards are available to get you the overview you are looking for. Prefer to work in excel? Fine, just export your SmartSales data and create your own graphics and tables. 

Steer your internal & external teams

Sync any calendar easily and share it via SmartSales. Easily let your internal sales department schedule and reschedule meetings when needed. Let them help steer the team on the road in order to achieve the maximum desired result. Share insights such as business opportunities and communicate openly about commercial decisions. 

Integrate with your favorite tools

Data-driven companies make better decisions. Combine all your data and gain more insights on how your organization and sales team is performing. Thanks to Power BI you can really boost your business intelligence by combing data from your ERP, accounting system of other applications. You name it, we got it!

Get the most out of Marketing

Make sure you get the most out of your marketing materials using a document management tool that ensures that your sales are always on the road with the latest product catalog, price list, powerpoints, promotions, documentation or technical sheets. Push them in real-time towards your team's mobile tool. 

Key facts about SmartSales

90 min per day

Customers are reporting a time gain up to 90 minutes per day, per sales representative! 

+5 appointments/week

SmartSales helps sales reps getting more appointments done, week after week. 

Upselling en cross-selling

70% of customers are reporting an increase in cross-selling & upselling in the first months of use.

Field sales app for your reps on the road

Visit report retail SmartSales
SmartSales retail catalog ipad app
Signing order Retail
Smartsales map customer targeting
Retail sales presentation tool Ipad
Retail order history timeline

Visit reports & surveys

Simplify your administration and save time. With customized visit report templates, you can easily summarize an entire meeting in just a few clicks and ask the right questions. This feature can also come in handy during trade fairs. Stop completing paper documents & encoding them manually afterward! 


Let your customers easily scroll through your catalog and add products to their offer with a simple click. Get a clear calculation of the offer straightaway. And immediately send the follow-up e-mail as an official confirmation. 

Order taking

Be more than just the support of a webshop. Get customers to sign off their orders right away. The system immediately sends them a confirmation e-mail and establishes a link with the back-end (ERP or accounting system).

Geolocalize customers on map

See the location of your customers on a map. Use different colour pins for different types of customers (by products, verticals, ...). Get directions and optimise your traveling time between customers.  


Based on the documents available in SmartSales, a sales rep can quickly generate customized presentations tailored to his specific customer or prospect. The app is available on- and offline. Very useful when visiting customers at specific locations. 

Customer history

Thanks to the timeline view, you can find back all historic data per customer: recent orders, visit history, most popular products sold, ... Allow (or refuse) discounts to customers, temporary promotional offers, based on historical data

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